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Early writings from Southern Patagonia
Diary of a sheep-drive from the Río Negro to San Julián
700 miles through the empty lands of southern Argentina
Author: Thomas A. Saunders
Date: September 1888 — March 1889

February 19-23, 1889

Feby. 19th: Started again to go down the river to the pass: about 3 leagues. 20th: Going to make a bridge, but long [?] of making a start. McLean went to see where the Frenchman had passed and did not come back for a long time and kept us waiting. McLean came back and we started to make a bridge and passed the sheep that night.

21st: Started and passed the horses and went about 2 leagues and camped.

22nd: Started again and came down the river about 6 leagues. 23rd: Stopped for the sheep to come up. Went and looked for the track.


19th. started again to
go down the river to the
pass about 3 leags —
20th. going to make a bridg
but long of making a
start Mc lean went to see
whare the frenchman had
passed and did not com back
for a long time and kept
us waiting Mc lean cam
back and we started to make
a bridge and passed the
sheep that night —
21st. started and passed the
horses and went about
2 leags and camped —
22nd. Started again and com
down the river about 6 leags
23rd stopped for the sheep to
com up went and looked for
the track —