 Copyright © 2004-2017 
Historical Materials from Southern Patagonia
Sociedad Explotadora de Tierra del Fuego, 1893-1943
Authorized history of the first 50 years, by Fernando Durán  [text in Spanish]

INDEX   [text in Spanish]

I. Historical background
II. The Nogueira concession
III. First stage. Organization of the Company
IV. Completion of the organization of the Company
V. Second stage. Consolidation of the Company
VI. Merger with "La Riqueza de Magallanes"
VII. Merger with "Sociedad Ganadera de Magallanes" and acquisition of properties in Argentina
VIII. Renewal of the rental of the Nogueira concession
IX. Renewal of the rental in 1924
X. Renewal of the rental in 1938
XI. Contribution of the Company to the country and to the region of Magallanes
XII. Management and staff of the Company
