On Thursday evening [24th] Sir Ernest Shackleton, Captain Worsley and Mr. Crean were in the British Association to say farewell to the members on their departure to Elephant Island again. The Vice-President, Mr. A. M. McDonald, in the name of the members, wished Sir Ernest and his companions the best of luck in this, their fourth expedition; to which Sir Ernest responded, thanking the members for the kindness he had received here and for the extreme interest that they had taken in the attempts at rescuing his marooned comrades.
A large number of people saw the intrepid explorer off from the passenger mole.
The Yelcho with Sir Ernest Shackleton, Captain Worsley and Mr. Crean on board, left for Elephant Island a little before midnight on Thursday last [24th].
A wireless message, dispatched from Ushuaia on Sunday by Sir Ernest, was received here on Monday morning. It says:-- « All goes well. Kind Regards. Shackleton. »
Further news has been received that the Yelcho coaled at Picton on Sunday and left for the south the same night. She should reach Elephant Island early on Wednesday morning.
A wireless message from the Argentine Meteorological Station at New Year Island states that the weather has been extremely good, which augurs well for the success of the expedition.
We trust that the good news of the rescue of the marooned men will be received before we go to press again.
[31 August 1916]