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Historical Materials from Southern Patagonia
Narrative of Four Voyages (extract), 1823
a North American adventurer meets the canoe people of the Strait of Magellan
Journal -- May 1823:    10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18 

May 18th. — At one o'clock, P. M., we landed on the Four Evangelists, where we took one hundred and twenty-seven fur-seals. At six, P. M., we were fairly clear of the strait, and floating on the bosom of that immense ocean which stretches between America and Asia in one direction, and the Antarctic circle and Bering's Strait in another. We now commenced examining the Pacific coast to the north of Cape Victory, which is the northern boundary of the western entrance of Magellan's Strait I have already stated that the southern boundary of this entrance is Cape Pillar, lying south-south-east from Cape Victory, distant eight leagues. About midway between these two capes are four small islands, or rocks, called the Four Evangelists, just mentioned. Three of these are low, but the fourth is moderately high, in appearance resembling a hay-stack. These islands lie in lat 52° 34' S., long. 75° 8' W. The passages between them and the last-mentioned capes are easy and free from danger. Variation per azimuth 23° 47' easterly. Cape Victory is in lat 52° 24' S., long. 75° 3' W.

Source: "Narrative of Four Voyages", Capt. Benjamin Morrell Jr., New York, 1832
Transcribed: April 2007