A Scotsman in Colombia, 1899-1900
Photographs of the Magdalena River by Thomas S. Boyd (1876-1966)

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River Boats
Eloisa + Margarita of Cía Fluvial MS Mexico SS Miguel Samper SS Colombia
Eloisa + Margarita (Cía Fluvial) MS Mexico SS Miguel Samper SS Colombia
wharf typical riverside halt fully laden mixed craft
wharf typical riverside halt fully laden mixed craft
Town of Honda
rapids rapids, bridge, town bridge, town bridge
rapids rapids, bridge, town bridge, town bridge
near Cuatro Esquinas Playa Honda
near Cuatro Esquinas Playa Honda
Other Communities
Arrancaplumas Perico station: Honda-La Dorada railway Girardot: bridge Girardot: bridge, riverboat
Arrancaplumas: terminus
La Dorada railway
Perico station:
Honda-La Dorada railway
Girardot: bridge Girardot: bridge, riverboat
Source: Boyd family album
Further information: geographical summary
Note: These photographs are presented online for educational purposes only: commercial use is not authorized.
Thanks: Marie Boyd, for authorizing this presentation
More photos by Thomas Boyd: Shetland, Glasgow, Punta Arenas
Contact: If you would like to discuss this page, please write to Duncan Campbell
Last updated: 21 July 2006

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