J. Montes | << = = | The Early Settlers of the Country Pedro Montes |
= = >> | Mortensen |
of the old Spanish settlers who have bravely struggled to achieve the economic
independence which they enjoy at present, is don Pedro Montes.
This fine man came to the country in the year 1878, summoned by his brother José, one of the most enterprising pioneers who have reached our southern shores.
Don Pedro, a native of Sardin, in Asturias, began working in partnership with Don José Montes, Eugenio Fernández and Victoriano Rivera, by taking up a great stretch of country between the Rivers Coy Inlet and Gallegos. He struggled year after year, and won the prize awarded to strong and persevering men, not without paying tribute to the hardships endured during his prime.
For the last eighteen years, Don Pedro Montes on account of a break-down in his health, finds it necessary to reside with his family at Gijon, in Spain, whence he undertakes travelling to Patagonia whenever his ailments allow of the effort.
His son Pedro looks after the property, he is a man of the highest stamp, and well accustomed to the hazardous existence which is obligatory in those latitudes.
Source: «La Patagonia Argentina», p.150