Lewis | << = = | The Early Settlers of the Country Robert MacDonald |
= = >> | MacGeorge |
Robert MacDonald was born in Scotland in 1873. While yet a child he left
his country with the purpose of seeking abroad a field more adapted to his
activities. He reached Patagonia when he was sixteen years old, and was
employed as a shepherd at the estancia "Otway Station", belonging
to the firm Hamilton and Saunders, whom he worked with for a period of seven
years, acquiring practice and experience and forming his character for the
life work that he should take up in time.
He left "Otway Station" to take over the management of "Ruben Aike", at that time the property of the ex-Governor, General Edelmiro Mayer, of whom it is not too much to state here and now, that he was one of the officials who did most for the territory's progress, for he smoothed the way for the pioneers who came to settle there, and he even helped many of them out of his own pocket so that they might settle down and begin their task. There is not one old settler in the territory, who recalls the memory of General Mayer, but does it with intense emotion and sincere thankfulness.
Mr. Robert MacDonald was manager at "Ruben Aike" until the year 1900, giving evidence of eminent qualities as an organiser and a man of action. With two thousand four hundred sheep which became his property during the years of his management of the above mentioned estancia, he settled on the lands which constitute the present "La Vanguardia" and which were to become in time the basis of the considerable wealth that he accumulated by dint of steady and unremitting toil.
Robert MacDonald took to wife in 1896, Dona Fernanda Garcia who proved his efficient helpmate during those years which preceded the winning of the comfortable position which they enjoyed when death surprised him on July 4th, 1920, on board ship when on a pleasure trip with his family on the way to Europe.
Mr. Robert MacDonald left seven children, six of them are Argentines, and one is a Chilian.
Source: «La Patagonia Argentina», p.150