Kark & Osenbrüg << = = The Early Settlers of the Country
Pablo Lenzner
= = >> Lewis
Pablo Lenzner

Born in Lauchstedt, Saxony (Germany) in the year 1871. He came to the country in 1892, and after a brief period of observation and study, he resolved to settle on a farm at Canals (Cordoba) where he worked until 1896. Luck had been unfavourable to him, for all his efforts failed in fighting the scourge of those lands in the form of continual swarms of locusts which came down on the tillage, destroying everything and at the same time killing the hopes which the farmers had conceived before the magnificent promise of the crops.

In 1897, Don Pablo Lenzner determined to seek his fortune in some other part of the country, and to this effect he set out for Gallegos, having heard of the prospects offered by Patagonia to men of good will who settled there.

At first, he worked for Messrs. Kark and Osenbrüg at "Markatch-Aike" estancia. In 1898, he was made manager of "El Chingolo" estancia which then belonged to the firm Baca, Lanus & Co. holding the position until 1903, when he decided to work for his own account, stocking the lands of the present estancia "Librun", with animals mostly bought from Mr. Miguel Grigera, another old settler in the territory. Later on Messrs. Braun and Blanchard joined partnership Mr. Lenzner, putting in the land and animals which had belonged to Don Luis Fabre.

Don Pablo Lenzner recalls that in the winter of 1899 one of the severest experienced in the South, as sheep-dip ran short at "El Chingolo", and the condition of the animals called for an immediate bath, he had to go to Gallegos on horseback, in company with an Indian guide, to get the specific needed in the estancia. The journey going offered no greater discomfort than the very intense cold felt, and the difficulty in finding one's bearings, on the vast field of snow and ice which stretched out over the country to be traversed. The return journey with a load, was another problem which required a special solution, above all, much daring and decision.

To this effect Don Pablo Lenzner built a sledge, obtained dogs and when these were more or less trained, he loaded eight boxes of sheep-dip on his sledge, and started off in the direction of the estancia. The hazardous trip was to last five days, but the remembrance of those five days has not yet been blotted from the mind of him who had to go through thorn. However, Lenzner arrived at "El Chingolo" with the specific and saved his employers' sheep.

Source: «La Patagonia Argentina», p.149