Iglesias << = = The Early Settlers of the Country
Enrique Jamieson
= = >> Kark & Osenbrüg
Enrique Jamieson

In another section of this book, we have had already occasion to speak of this old pioneer of the territory in making mention of an exploit performed by him in company with some others — an exploit it was and one of the greatest — over thirty years ago — to come along from the Rio Negro to Santa Cruz driving cattle across immeasurable deserts, wide and mighty rivers, with no other guide than instinct and no other resource than the indomitable energy of their character. And all this over unknown ways, under the blazing summer sun or the biting cold of the icy Southern winter; often foodless, devoured with thirst again; nearly always denuded of shelter. And the campaign was of two years duration. Two years march following in the footsteps, slow and heavy, of the cattle-drove, heartening themselves by patience and optimism, in order to overcome at every moment the impulse to give loose rein to one's steed, dig the spurs into his flanks and bow one's body over the horse's withers and let go in a final gallop which the rider's nerves and those of the horse require to lessen the ever-growing painful tension. But one conquered the temptation and the disheartening and the days went on in a succession of desperate monotony and exhausting fatigue of the working hours.

Mr. Enrique Jamieson at last reached his destination, with 2,000 animals, and settled down on the land of "Moy Aike" which he decided to stock and to which since then he has devoted all his energies. He was a practised hand in all rural activities and had a huge longing to succeed and, though the struggle was a hard one, by dint of energy, he was able to smooth every difficulty offered by the undertaking he had assumed.

At the end of a few years, he had already formed his estancia and, at his death, he left his family in a first-class position economically and to his son Alexander, the management of a business in full-working order which he would undertake to perfect and increase, putting into play, for the purpose, his youthful vigour and the knowledge acquired as his father's right hand.

Mr. Enrique Jamieson was a native of New Zealand, and came to this country at the age of eighteen. He worked for a time in Bahia Blanca and Necochea, afterwards setting out for Patagonia where he finally settled down as we have seen.

Source: «La Patagonia Argentina», p.148