«Brown Studies» — Poems by G. P. Brown, Punta Arenas, Chile, 1940


Home Background

The Book

Publisher's Acknowledgment Author's Foreword


Could I forget? The Cross What Profit a Man? May 1940 June 1940 Hyde Park Orators Are You Doing Your Bit? Home The Haven of Love Afterglow The Six Dolls Forget-me-not My Little Ship Mother's Day The Easy Way Mother Flea The Stockings' Lament The Gamble Who Was It? A Mother's Right Teach me to be Humble


Duncan Campbell


T H E   S I X   D O L L S

Six beautiful dolls were placed in a row,
Four shillings a-piece was the price;
Undressed, these fine beauties put up a great show,
In their gleaming wax looking so nice;
The people, they paused – took a look, and passed on,
Not a soul ever stepped in to buy;
At last I removed them – when two weeks had gone,
And laid them aside with a sigh.

Then I dressed up a beauty – in garment of white,
In her hands placed a bouquet of flowers,
And close to her side – catching just the right light,
I built up a castle with towers;
On a card standing near – I printed this line:
"My castle of dreams coming true,
Please make me your own, for fifteen and nine,
And see what will happen to you".

I dressed up another, but this one in red,
And I fashioned the frock for a dance;
In place of some flowers – I gave her instead,
A book that was labelled "Romance";
The price that I asked, was but twelve and eleven,
I printed a card with this theme:
"Please purchase me thus, and float into Heaven,
The answer will come to your dream".

The third doll became a naughty brunette,
And her dress was a flimsy affair;
Her hands softly toyed with a silk woven net,
As she luringly lounged in a chair;
Attached was the price, fixed at fourteen and three,
Underneath was a card, as before,
With a few simple words: "If with this you agree,
Then buy me, and add to your score".

One I dressed as a Mother – smoothing back all her hair,
Then I placed in her arms a young babe.
I fashioned a home, showing motherly care,
And to her a good husband I gave;
To make her attractive, I asked six and three,
And the words on the card printed thus:
"If you are a woman, you"ll surely choose me,
And endeavour to be one of us".

To the last doll I gave an extreme lot of care,
She became in due course, a sweet Nun;
I gave her a Crucifix – covered her hair,
And, when all the robing was done,
I left a blank space, where the price should have fixed;
Inserted these words of advice:
"True happiness cannot with evil be mixed,
Nor can it be bought at a price".

I displayed my six dolls, and, the very first day,
Someone bought up my naughty "Brunette";
The following morn, my "Romance" went away,
Leaving only but four of my set;
Success came again, and to my great surprise,
Ere closing my shop for the night,
An elegant lady – with wonderful eyes,
Quickly bought up my "Lady in White".

Only three now remained: - The sweet little "Nun",
The "Husband", and the "Mother" as pair;
They stayed in my window, but buyers had none,
Though many would look on them there;
While loath to remove them, I had to admit,
The world wanted Romance and Play;
I'd change them to-morrow, and dress them to fit
The desires of the world of to-day.

With a last loving look, ere I tip-toed to bed,
I glanced at the three I liked best;
In place of the "Mother" – now, "Nun" sat instead
Clasping sweet little babe to her breast;
"Husband" holding the Cross – looked down on the pair,
Shedding light from this symbol of love;
The "Mother" was kneeling – her hands clasped in prayer,
With eyes on the Cross held above.