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Patagonia Bookshelf



Boston, October 8th.

A letter received here states that the ship Golden Hind, of this city, was lost June 24th about ten miles north of Cape Gloucester, Charles Island, off Terra del Fuego. The crew took to the boats, in charge of the captain and two mates. The boat in charge of the second mate, with six seamen, has not been beard from since — supposed swamped soon after leaving the ship. The captain's boat capsized, and the compass and all provisions and clothing were lost. They finally landed at Desolate Island, where five of the crew died from starvation, and from which the remainder were rescued on the 10th of August by the schooner Eagle of Falkland Islands. When taken off they were hardly able to stand.

Source: "Sacramento Daily Union" (California), 9 October 1872
Clipped: 29-VI-2013
Copyright © 2004-2016 Duncan S. Campbell + Gladys Grace P.
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